Thursday, December 10, 2009

How I use my mobile

The mobile is important device to communication device is an of civilization. I have a Nokia n0 70 mobile. I have MTN chip. I use it to call my family and friends and for work too. I talk about 2 hours in day and send 10 SMS and I receive 200 SMS. The mobile has health problems a cancer and bead shake. The teen in Sudan use the mobile in different way like watching videos and listening to music.


  1. Salih,
    Nice post!
    Please re-edit your post to check the meaning and ideas of the post. Please don't hesitate to ask me for help at the lab or in the class.
    Teacher Hala

  2. Salih,
    you need to post another four tasks. Please complete them all before the deadline of submission.
    Teacher Hala
